Sunday, March 16, 2014

the world's oldest profession

What is manufacturing? 
It’s really a simple process. It’s the process of taking some raw material and turning it into something someone else wants or needs.  By some measure it can be said that this is what separates us from the apes and enables us to have the society we have to day.

Other views to the contrary, manufacturing is in fact the oldest profession in the world. Anthropologists even categorize the ages of our past by the tools and tooling our ancestors used.

Manufacturing is the reason we have society today. From the earliest days when we can imagine the first manufacturers trading a stone knife they made (because they were really good at making stone knives) for some meat brought back to the village by a hunter, who was really good at hunting (not so good at making knives.)

All the way to today with robots and automation systems manufacturing makes the things we use.

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